Group 4 Artefact: FLIPGRID.

After writing a full blog post, techy glitches caught up with me, and the entire post was deleted before I could publish :( Here goes attempt number 2!
I was hoping this week was going to be a bit of a breather week - a RECHARGE week, but there was still some re-reading of the sources to do, and an artefact to produce.
It was strange not to have a group leader over this past week. The leader role seems to have provided some structure, with keeping an eye on the time management of getting our tasks together, and holding us accountable to the group. It seemed like there wasn't the same level of energy and synergy as there has been in the past couple of weeks.
Our group decided to utilise the Flipgrid tool to showcase our understanding of PBL. I haven't used this tool before, so after playing a round a bit, making some mistakes, and playing around some more, I did a video walk-through of an exercise I did with a few of my classes with PBL pedagogy. It is interesting that it often takes this kind of exercise to make you pause and reflect on tasks, and how you have been informed by theory. I have worked with a lot of Constructivism before with my post-graduate studies, so it is a theory that I hope has now infiltrated my base pedagogy in terms of my teaching practice. For this task, I realised that certain elements discussed by Seibert (2020) formed part of the PBL task that my students had completed, namely engaging with ill-structured case studies, pushing students out of their comfort zones, and the importance of scaffolding, feedback and encouragement. It was also interesting to see how my fellow team mates in Group 4 had utilised PBL in their teaching artefacts, and how they reflected on the learnings they and their students had realised with regards to their respective tasks.
I am looking forward to our next topic - TOPIC 3: ONLINE LEARNING. I've started working through the extensive readings, and the theory seems interesting so far!
Onward, ever onward!
Seibert, S.A., 2021. Problem-based learning: a strategy to foster generation Z's critical thinking and perseverance. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(1), pp.85-88. Available at: (Accessed 23 September 2021).
I had to chuckle a bit when I read about your tech glitch as I experienced the same thing in a course I am is so frustrating and "Murphy" just pops in at the most inconvenient of times! I have been waiting to read the reflections from our group as I wanted to see what others thought of the "leaderless" topic...I wonder how the others have felt. I agree there has been a bit of a "slump" in energy, but I also expected this to happen. Let's hope that topic 3 get's everyone excited again :-). As always I enjoyed reading your reflection!